Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Sparring is my favrite activity. Sparring is where you put on sparring gear and practice fighting but you must demostrate controle and if you don't  have gear you can't touch the other person.
This is sparring gear-----------
These are sparring foot gear
These are sparring gloves
This is a helmet
This is a mouth gaurd


Now we move on to forms. What are forms? Forms are a series of moves that help you demonstrate what you learned in class. They also help you learn how to defend yourself against multiple people. The basic forms are hyung il bu, hyung ee bu, and hyung sam bu.the intermediate forms I know are pyong ahn cho dan and pyong ahn ee dan,  I am very sorry but I do not know the rest of the forms I am only an orange belt with a stripe. Thank you for reading about forms.   


In Tang Soo Do when we start class the instructor says “line up”. We line up in a certain order, the order is determined by are rank. The colored belts are referred to as gups, white belt is the 10th gup, yellow belt is 9th gup, orange belt is 8th gup, orange belt with a green stripe is 7th gup, green belt is 6th gup, green belt with a red stripe is 5th gup, green belt with  2 red stripes is 4th gup, red belt is 3rd gup, red belt with a blue stripe is 2nd gup, and red belt with 2 blue stripes is 1st gup. After that is cho dan bo and then cho dan bo with a white stripe. Above that black belts have there own ranking system. Thank you for reading about the ranking system.

Welcome to my blog

Hi, my name is Samantha Martin and I am Ten years old. I do Tang Soo Do at Synergy Martial Arts. I am an orange belt with a green stripe. That means that when I test for my next belt if I pass I will get my green belt. Tang Soo Do is a Korean Martial art. Tang Soo Do is Korean for “Way of the Chinese hand” you may be thinking that it’s Korean not Chinese, isn’t it? It is, in Korean Tang Soo Do also means “way of the empty hand”. Thank you for reading my first entry.